Saturday, May 31, 2014

365 Questions: 78-84

78. Is it more important to do what you love or to love what you are doing?
If you find yourself experiencing wither, you are quite lucky.

79.  What do you imagine yourself doing ten years from now?
Still working on our house. Haha. And hopefully by then there is a kid or 2 added into the mix.

80. What small act of kindness were you once shown that you will never forget?
While riding a bus to Downtown Disney on the last day of our vacation I noticed I couple sitting across from us. The gal was wearing a pin trading lanyard and had a pin I needed to complete a set I was collecting. I asked if her pins were for trade and she asked me which one I needed and then just gave me the pin.

81.  What is your happiest childhood memory?  What makes it so special?
Riding on a motorcycle with my dad. Or going to scrap yards with him and him trusting my enough to help find what he needed and explore on my own. As I got older the bond between me and my dad dwindled as he became more authoritative, which led to us not having a great relationship from ages 15-24. So these memories are great bc they almost make up for the "lost" years.

82.  Do you own your things or do your things own you?
I own my things. I don't have anything that requires my constant attention and takes away from other aspects of my life. (My bunnies don't count!)

83.  Would you rather lose all of your old memories or never be able to make new ones?
Its a hard decision but I think I'd pick to lose all of my old memories. There are things in my future (I think) that I will want to remember. I also like to think that I have everything in my life right now that I want (and weeded out people that I don't) so I would want to remember what happens from here with the people that I have earned a right to be in my life.

84.  How do you deal with someone in a position of power who wants you to fail?
I do everything in my power to prove them wrong. Nothing illegal of course...


Friday, May 30, 2014

Currently v.16

Holy moly its been forever since I did one of these. And a longer version (here & here) is floating around the blogosphere so I figured I'd give it a go.

Making: Plans!
 Haven't seen the bestie in almost a month! We are getting together tomorrow but have no idea what to do. Well besides get ice cream.
Cooking: Lots of new salads and eggs by the dozen for a quick easy (and healthy) snack).

 I've been mixing it up recently. Usually I am a water only kinda gal but I've been loving half lemonade/half tea. So refreshing.
 Chugging along The Chronicles of Narnia. In the middle of Prince Caspian right now. I thrifted some new to me books the other day so now I really want to put it down again. 
 More hours in the day.
Looking: At making a list of tasks I want to accomplish over the next few months. So many things have fallen but the wayside 
over the winter and now the yard is almost at a state of just maintenance so soon I can focus on other projects.
Playing: the new Cards Against Humanity expansion packs! Oh its so good.

 My mornings recently. I have been awful at getting up on time, yet alone early, to do the walks/elliptical sessions I want to do. Gotta get on this.
 nothing. Ugh. But I hope to get curtains and a maxi-skirt or 2 in the bag before the end of summer.
 I didn't have to work so much. Haha. With the weather being so nice I just want to work on projects or lay out & read.
Enjoying: How our yard is coming along! 
Waiting: To see how long it'll be before we finish the den. In the summer outdoor projects take priority so it probably won't be until fall. But I keep seeing all this cute artwork and decor and its making me crazy!

 That rummage season is upon us. Not only can you score some great deals but if you host your own, you can make some money and get rid of some stuff that was just taking up room. Room for all the stuff you got deals on. ;)
 If I'll ever get a handle on daily house chores.
Loving: This new mascara. The selling gimmick is super cheesy but I LOVE big lashes and for only $6 I figured what the heck.
Hoping: To take more and more photos. I miss the Photo A Day Instagram challenge I did last year. Maybe I will randomly start it up again...

 At how well Baby Poof did on her first back yard outing. She is still a bit skittery so we were worried that she might not like us following her around with a leash (not to mention her having to wear a harness) but she was so good! And seemed to enjoy the wind in her furs and eating dandelions. And looked adorable doing it.
Needing: To have a bonfire soon. I love going to bed smelling like a camp fire.

Smelling: Lilacs! They're everywhere and I couldn't be happier.

Wearing: Dresses, skirts, and capris! And tank tops with no cover ups! Gasp! Being bigger I am always self conscious about what I wear but lately I have been saying "screw it!" and wearing whatever I want (including red lip stick!). If you don't like my fat arms, don't look my way. Ha!

Following: Mister Bun around the house trying to brush him. He is molting like mad and even though he will sit forever to get pets, the second I try to brush him he hops away. 

 That my four huge bruises from the tumble I took in the yard are finally almost gone. They were super dark and bad looking for a while. Now they are yellowish in the middle and kind of look like nebulas.
Feeling: Like I kinda want to chop my hair off. But I dunno if I can let go of my sock bun...

Opening: All the windows in the house!!


Thursday, May 22, 2014

365 Questions: 71-77

71. What’s the one thing you’d like others to remember about you at the end of your life?
Just that I was a good person and that I (hopefully) made their life a little bit better.

72.  Is there such a thing as perfect?
Perfection, like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There can be things that are perfect for you specifically but not necessarily for everyone.

73.  To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
I have made some big decisions in my life but after that I have just kind of coated along and let life take me where it will.

74.  What does it mean to be human?
To love carbs.

75. If you looked into the heart of your enemy, what do you think you would find that is different from what is in your own heart?
Don't really have any enemies at the moment. So I can't really say. But if I did I'm sure the impulse would be to say that we are nothing alike but that would probably be untrue.

76.  What do you love most about yourself?
 My weirdness. I have learned to embrace it.

77.  Where would you most like to go and why?
 Disney Land Hong Kong and Paris. I want to see how they differ from our parks here. Oh and Ireland or New Zealand. They just seem like such lovely countries.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

365 Questions: 64-70

64. If a doctor gave you five years to live, what would you try to accomplish?
I'd travel as much as I could, try as many different foods as possible, and spent enough time with my friends and family to last a lifetime.

65. What is the difference between falling in love and being in love?
Its like comparing traveling somewhere and actually being there. One is the journey while the other is being at the destination.

66. Who do you think stands between you and happiness?
Me.I am my biggest road block at times.

67. What is the difference between innocence and ignorance?
There is usually no malice in innocence.

68. What is the simplest truth you can express in words?
Bread is good.

69. What gives your life meaning?
My mister. And my bunnies.

70. Can there be happiness without sadness? Pleasure with out pain? Peace without war?
Sure. But feeling one and then be able to experience the other makes you truly able to appreciate the former.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Vacation Pics

It finally happened!  And now it's over.  :( 

Isn't that the way of everything we look forward to? We anticipate it until it comes (which seems like forever!) and then are mournful when it is over. Any who here are few (cell phone) photos from out trip to Disney World!

We had a blast! But we also got rained on a ton, had lots of back and knee pain from 12 hour days of huffing it around the parks for 7 days straight, and spent way too much money.  Haha. I would love to share all the photos I took but there are hundreds. Literally. They came out so good though. Maybe I will share some of my faves in another post. Especially since there are no Festival of Fantasy pics in this post!

Here's to the next vacation!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

365 Questions: 57-63

57. Have you ever regretted something you did not say or do?
Of course. Hasn't everyone?

58. Has your greatest fear ever come true?
No, thankfully.  But I suppose there is still time for it to do so...

59. Why do we thing of the most when they are gone?
Because we glorify them in their absence, we seem to cling to the best in people. It seems to be the way our mind remembers them most.

60. What is your most beloved childhood memory?
Going for motorcycle rides with my dad.

61. Is it more important to love or be loved?
While both are extremely important I think the former may edge out the latter just a smidge. The capability to love others opens one up to a barrage of other emotions (like empathy, sympathy, selflessness, compassion, etc) that I think lead to a full self and a full life.

62. If it all came back around, would it help or hurt you?
 I'm not really sure what the "it" is in this instance...

63. If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing would you do it?
